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Case Management & Family Support

Dalwood Family Couselling
  • Services for both parents and children are co-ordinated by an integrated multi-disciplinary team

Counselling and 
Parenting Programs

Dalwood charity
  • A family counsellor supports each family in identifying and reaching their parenting goals.

  • Family counsellors provide individual parent or family counselling as well as regular parent support and parent education group programs.

  • Services may be centre-based or provided in the home.

  • Counselling services focus on parenting issues such as parent/child interaction, child behaviour, family relationships and linking families with other community organisations or groups. ​​​​

Dads At Dalwood Program. ​

Dalwood mens counselling
  • The Dads at Dalwood D@Ds program is designed to maximise engagement and participation for fathers.

  • A male family counsellor provides dedicated support for dads by ensuring father friendly access, a dad’s e-mail group, individual counselling for dads, dads playgroups, evening discussion groups, activity afternoons for children and dads. ​

Volunteer Home Support Service​

Dalwood volunteer home support
  • A team of trained and professionally supervised volunteers provide home visiting services for families in greatest need.

  • Volunteers visit two hours per week, provide personal support and assist families with a range of home or parenting tasks. ​

  • The Volunteer ​​​​Home Support Program is funded by the Dalwood Dog Show.

Infant Home-based Program ​

Dalwood home based programs
  • Children under 2 years who have developmental needs are offered early education services in the home.

  • Services include weekly or fortnightly play sessions with parent participation and a weekly infant supported playgroup.

Therapeutic Preschool Program​

Dalwood education programs
  • Children over 12 months of age may be enrolled 2 days per week in an intensive early intervention preschool program.

  • The program is based on a relationship model to promote emotional and social development via positive attachment with the teacher. 

  • Educational programs are individualised and developmental progress regularly monitored. ​

Outreach Program

helping families dalwood
  • Children who attend mainstream centres or have commenced school are offered regular consultation and developmental support via school or centre visits.

  • Services include assistance with classroom programming, Speech Pathology, remedial tuition and behavioural support strategies. ​

Therapy Services

Dalwood theraputic preschool
  •  Children who demonstrate delays in their development are provided with specialist therapy intervention including Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Art Therapy and Clinical Psychology. 

  • Therapy services are funded by the Dalwood Spilstead ​​Child's Play Project

Interaction & Interventions/Child

Dalwood parent interventions
  •  Trained staff are available to work intensively with families to promote attachment and positive parent/child relationship via evidence-based individual programs.

  • Parent / child interaction group programs involving a parent information session followed by a parent/child play session are also provided.

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